Public Accounting: Careers, Skills, and How to Become a CPA

Make sure you can manage your book of business so no one’s needs fall through the cracks. This type of accountant investigates and analyzes financial information for businesses. They’re on the lookout for compliance breaches or illegal activity. Forensic accountants are using their knowledge to audit organizations for financial misconduct. We wrote this accounting guide...

Straight Line Depreciation: Definition, Formula, Examples & Journal Entries

Things wear out at different rates, which calls for different methods of depreciation, like the double declining balance method, the sum of years method, or the unit-of-production method. This method calculates depreciation by looking at the number of units generated in a given year. This method is useful for businesses that have significant year-to-year fluctuations...

Receivables Turnover Ratio Defined: Formula, Importance, Examples, Limitations

A company can improve its ratio calculation by being more conscious of who it offers credit sales to in addition to deploying internal resources towards the collection of outstanding debts. That's because it may be due to an inadequate collection process, bad credit policies, or customers that are not financially viable or creditworthy. A low...

Retained Earnings in Accounting and What They Can Tell You

Instead, the retained earnings are redirected, often as a reinvestment within the organization. These funds may also be referred to as retained profit, accumulated earnings, or accumulated retained earnings. Often, these retained funds are used to make a payment on any debt obligations or are reinvested into the company to promote growth and development. The...

Online Bookkeeping Services for Small Businesses Bench Accounting

Connect one-on-one with booking experts so you can manage your books with ease. It's been one of the best decisions I've made when it comes to making sure my accounting is on point. This could be a factor if you’re starting small but intend to grow in the next few years. If you’re freelancing with...

Managerial Accounting vs Financial Accounting: The Top 10 Differences

The company’s published financial statements (prepared by financial accountants) allow external stakeholders to make informed decisions. An investor interested in Primark can then combine insights from the major financial statements with ratio analysis to evaluate the firm’s performance. The primary difference between managerial and financial accounting is that the former improves internal financial reporting, while...

Managerial Accounting vs Financial Accounting: The Top 10 Differences

The company’s published financial statements (prepared by financial accountants) allow external stakeholders to make informed decisions. An investor interested in Primark can then combine insights from the major financial statements with ratio analysis to evaluate the firm’s performance. The primary difference between managerial and financial accounting is that the former improves internal financial reporting, while...

Margin of Safety: Formula, Example, How to Calculate?

Upon interpreting this, the 20% means that the current sales of $50,000 are 20% higher than the break-even point of $40,000. Hence, MoS is a very important tool in corporate finance that helps to set targets for the company in terms of sales and overall performance. Another key idea in Buffett’s market irrationality strategy is...

2024 tax filing season starts as IRS begins accepting tax returns today; taxpayer help expands this year with more in-person hours, better service, improved tools Internal Revenue Service

It's important that you pinpoint date-of-death value as soon as possible—the executor should be able to help—to avoid hassles later on when you sell it. Likewise, if assets have lost value during the original owner’s life, the tax basis is stepped down to date-of-death value. For taxpayers who use the cash method of accounting, as...